travel planning during covid

Planning Travel to the U.K means COVID Tests and Quarantine

Planning Travel to the U.K means COVID Tests and Quarantine

If you are traveling to the U.K soon. these insights will help you plan your trip to Britain. COVID restrictions make entry challenging, but this post will give you the tools you need to prepare for your trip.

What I Learned from Traveling to Orcas Island during a Pandemic

What I Learned from Traveling to Orcas Island during a Pandemic

Traveling to Orcas Island has been an amazing experience. If you want to include a travel itinerary that includes Orcas Island, look forward to lots of hiking , spectacular nature, and some very nice people.

Catching Up with the Vagabonds: Pandemic Edition

Catching Up with the Vagabonds: Pandemic Edition

Vagabonding during a pandemic is hard. Living out of a suitcase, couch surfing, national parks, and road trips. See how Euro Travel Coach travels and copes during trying times.

Reflections on Gratitude in a Year Without Travel

Reflections on Gratitude in a Year Without Travel

We are looking forward to a time when we can travel and help you travel again. In the meantime we have so much to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

5 Helpful Hints for your US Road Trip while waiting to go to Europe

5 Helpful Hints for your US Road Trip while waiting to go to Europe

While we wait to go to Europe, we can safely travel in the US. Read our tips on taking a road trip now.

What is it like to be Nomadic Travel Planners during a Pandemic?

What is it like to be Nomadic Travel Planners during a Pandemic?

Traveling around Europe for nine months during the year is a challenge. Being in the USA during a pandemic without a home has its own set of challenges. See how we are coping with our current lifestyle.