cooking class

Besciamella Sauce

Besciamella Sauce

In the final entry in Chelsea’s Lasagna Bolonese series, you can learn how to make a Besciamella Sauce. It’s easy to do, helps you dream of Italy, and takes your lasagna over the top!

Hand Rolled Egg Pasta: A Fun and Delicious Project

Hand Rolled Egg Pasta: A Fun and Delicious Project

Making fresh pasta at home is fun and easy. Make a special Italian treat tonight, and dream about planning a trip to Italy soon!

Lasagna Bolognese: An Introduction

Lasagna Bolognese: An Introduction

Enjoy this authentic lasagna recipe from the heart of Italy while you are waiting to make your custom Italy tour. This is the first in a series about delicious comfort food from Bologna.

Satisfying Cravings for European Pastries while in Quarantine

Satisfying Cravings for European Pastries while in Quarantine

Like a lot of you we have been cooking and baking quite a bit during the quarantine. For some fresh ideas on European pastries and breads check out Chelsea’s latest blog.

Taking Italian Classes in Italy

Taking Italian Classes in Italy

Want to learn Italian in Italy? Ready to take immersive Italian language courses? Enjoy reading about our experience taking Italian classes in SIena, Italy.